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日期:2017年08月01日 08:19 来源:24FA综合 作者:xiaoxiao




Thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and whatever you experience make up the
content of your life. “My life” is what you derive your sense of self from, and “my life” is content, or so you believe. You continuously overlook the most obvious fact: your innermost sense of I Am has nothing to do with what happens in your life, nothing to do with content. That sense of I Am is one with the Now. It always remains the same. In childhood and old age, in health or sickness, in success or failure, the I Am–the space of Now–remains unchanged at its deepest level. It usually gets confused with content, and so you experience I Am or the Now only faintly and indirectly, through the content of your life. In other words: your sense of Being becomes obscured by circumstances, your stream of thinking, and the many things of this world. The Now becomes obscured by time. And so you forget your rootedness in Being, your divine reality, and lose yourself in the world. Confusion, anger, depression, violence, and conflict arise when humans forget who they are. Yet how easy it is to remember the truth and thus return home: I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.

思想,情感,感觉,以及你所经历的一切都组成了你生活的内容。“我的生活”是你自我意识的衍生,我满足于“我的生活”,至少你是这么告诉自己的。而一直你忽略了一个最明显的事实:在你内心深处“我是谁”的答案与生活中发生的事情无关,与满足是否也无关。那个关于“我是谁”的感知与当下在关。它是恒久不变的,不论年幼或年老,不论健康或疾病,不论成功或失败,“我是谁”在当下的时空下,都保持着它最富有深意的含义。人们总将它与满足感混于一谈,因此在你的生活中,关于“我是谁”或是关于当下的经历总是模糊又间接的。换句话说:你对于“存在” 的感知因周遭环境、你的万分思绪不有这个世界上很多其他的东西而变得模糊不清,“当下”的概念也在岁月流逝中变得模棱两可,你也因此忘记了自己存在的根本,忘记了自己拥有的美好现实,你在世界中迷失了自我。困惑、愤怒、沮丧、暴力和冲突在关人们忘却自我时伺机产生。然而要回忆起真相,要重返家园又是多么的容易:你不是你的思想、情绪、感知和经历。你不是你的过去和将来,你就是生活。你是一切事情发生的空间。你是你的意识,你是当下,你是。


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